Notice board

NO Third party or internet site or online appointment system is accepted for appointment at Chiranjeev Clinic. Kindly beware of such sites!

For appointment for Pediatric clinic for disease management & vaccination (at Sadashiv Peth only), (Dr. Sanket Kale) call on 02024486744 or 9738911911.

For appointment for Child Development centre (2 branches - Sadashiv Peth & Karvenagar), (Dr. Suneel & Dr. Ashwini Godbole), please call 9637641404.

You can understand How to Recognize Autism in Children in Marathi by clicking link

A step by step approach to diagnosis & management of Autism is discussed in Marathi - link

You can see many useful parenting videos in Resources section.

Clinic is closed on Sundays. In case of emmergency take your child to Deenanath Mangeshkar hospital or near by pediatric hospital.

We Access, Counsel & Consult Online Also!

Contact to schedule »
G-PAT Program

G-PAT Program is an individualized, stress-free, parent-mediated training program that will enable parents to train their child in the home environment. We believe that 'Every moment is an opportunity to train child!' and hence 'Parents are the BEST therapists for their child!' Please contact 9637641404 for further details.

You can understand How to Recognize Autism in Children in Marathi by clicking link

A step by step approach to diagnosis & management of Autism is discussed in Marathi - link

G.O.A.L. for Parents: Godbole's Online Autism Learning

Pre-Registration Required! Please call on +91 9637641404

Upcoming Sessions:

Feeding Self: From Serving to Supporting ,

05 April 2025, Saturday, 4.30 to 6 pm. Special Session from GOAL. Separate Registration Required

Module 1:Communication Made Easy! ,

15 MARCH 2025, Saturday, 9 to 10.30 am

Module 2: Responding to non-responder ,

15 MARCH 2025, Saturday, 11.15 am to 1 pm

Module 3: Social Interaction skills ,

15 MARCH 2025, Saturday, 4.30 pm to 6 pm ,

For Quick Tips on management of Autism do subscribe our youtube channel chiranjeevgodbole@youtube

Register Here »

About our Clinic

Chiranjeev Center for Child Diet, Development and Disease is a state of the art outpatient healthcare clinic offering services for infants, children and adolescents.

In addition to healthcare services we also offer a multidisciplinary child diet and development center for children with developmental disorders. Our well trained staff is eager to help you and our child-friendly atmosphere is welcoming to children and parents alike.

Our History

Chiranjeev Clinic opened on 15 th October 1996 as a small pediatric outpatient clinic in heart of Pune – Sadahiv Peth – as a mission activity of offering affordable and rational outpatient care of children by doctor couple Dr. Suneel Godbole, with Masters in Pediatrics and Dr Ashwini Godbole, with Masters in Clinical Biochemistry.

With blessings of children and their caring parents, Chiranjeev Clinic moved to bigger premises in 2004 with expansion of services as Chiranjeev Center for Child Diet, Development and Disease. To keep pace with modernization, the center was equipped with network of computers, and camera surveillance.

With continuous pursuit of learning and experience in child development Dr. Suneel Godbole got trained at Child Development Center at Bremen, Germany and Dr. Ashwini Godbole achieved her Post gradute diploma in Child and Adolescent Psychology at Jnana Prabodhini Institute of Psychology, Pune.

Over the next several years a multidisciplinary team of Doctors, Psychologists, Physiotherapist, Speech and Language Therapist, Special Educators was added to offer umbrella of services for children having issues with health, diet and development.

Today, we continue to work with same zeal and passion as we started 22 years back to serve children and their concerned parents.

Our Team
Dr. Suneel Godbole

Suneel has Master’s Degree in Pediatrics, from B. J. Medical College, Pune. He has gained expertise in Developmental Pediatrics from Klinikum Bremen Mitte, Germany. He is Joint Director of Chiranjeev Child Diet and Development Centre, Sadashiv Peth, Pune along with Dr. Ashwini Godbole; who has special proficiency in child diet management. In last 24 years he has counseled thousands of parents regarding multifaceted child development.

He is also Head of the Department – Small Steps Morris Autism & Child Development Centre, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Centre, Pune.

He has immense experience in dealing with developmental problems of children like ADHD, Autism, Learning Disability, Developmental delays, Behavioral issues and many more.

He has many Research articles and presentations in National Conferences across India to his credit. He is well known writer in Marathi Newspapers with more than 300 articles about child development. He has authored 8 parenting books focusing on Newborn Care, Child Diet & Development, Smart parenting and Multiple Intelligences. He along with his wife Dr. Ashwini conducts Parenting workshops with the theme of ‘Smart Parenting’.

Dr. Ashwini Suneel Godbole

Ashwini has Master’s Degree in Biochemistry, from B. J. Medical College, Pune and Post Graduate Diploma in Child & Adolescent Psychology. She is Joint Director of Chiranjeev Child Diet and Development Centre, Sadashiv Peth, Pune along with Dr. Suneel Godbole; who has special proficiency in child developmental disorders. In last 24 years she has counseled thousands of parents regarding child diet & development. She helps parents to identify dietary issues of children right from infancy, through timely weaning up to dietary fads and fancies of adolescents. She has expertise in personalized diet planning to meet the needs of each child.

She is dedicated and compassionate counselor for parents of children with developmental problems like ADHD, Autism, Learning Disability, Developmental delays, Behavioral issues and many more.

She has specialized knowledge and understanding in counseling adolescent girls regarding turmoil of physical and emotional changes in adolescence.

She is also known for conducting Teacher Training Programs for various educational institutes. She has many Research articles and presentations to her credit. She also writes for newspapers about child diet and development. She has co-authored 8 parenting books focusing on Newborn Care, Child Diet & Development, Smart parenting and Multiple Intelligences. She along with her husband Dr. Suneel conducts Parenting workshops with the theme of ‘Smart Parenting’.

Dr. Sanket Kale, DNB (Paeds)

Dr. Sanket Kale has Masters Degree in Paediatrics. He is a proud student of Dr. Suneel Godbole.He has experience of 6 years in the field of Paediatrics with special interest in newborn care and Paediatric Intensive Care.

Dr. Kale believes in the dictum “Don’t let the cure be worse than the problem itself”. Being a parent himself, he advocates for simple treatment of common childhood illnesses, healthy food habits, parental awareness and safe vaccination practises.

After completing his graduation (MBBS) from Government Medical College, Nagpur; Dr. Kale did his post graduation in Paediatrics (DCH) from prestigious B.J Medical College, Pune.

He earned his Diplomate of National Board (D.N.B) in Paediatrics from Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune. His dissertation under Dr. Suneel Godbole was one of the first studies in India which highlighted the extent of screen media use in children.

He is a member of Indian Academy of Paediatrics (Growth Development and Behavioural Paediatrics)

Being a member of Chiranjeev Child Development Centre Team, he believes in treating child as a whole, rather than just the disease with special attention to diet and developmental screening.

Ashwini Karandikar

Acclaimed Masters degree in Finance, from Leeds (UK), after completing Masters in Commerce in Pune. Professional experience as a Business Analyst at Cognizant and has 5th level certification from Max Mueller Bhavan in German language.

Established singer with stage performances as well as conducting singing classes. She loves driving, trekking and conducting creative workshops for kids.

Happy to be in association with Chiranjeev clinic, as a parent and as Website Editor.

She works with Dr. Suneel Godbole and Dr. Ashwini Godbole, in imparting their enriched empirical knowledge on positive parenting.

Mrs. Krutika Moholkar

B.P.Th ( MUHS Nasik) IEP NO( Indian association of physiotherapy)- 11488

Added qualification-Certified courses in sensory integration

Working with Chiranjeev Clinic since 12 years

Meena Girish Borde

M.A (clinical psychology) B.Ed.

Honorary Psychologist with Dr. Suneel Godbole' s Chiranjeev Child diet & developmental center for last 12 years.

Teaching and counseling for parents and children for last 20 years.

Working as a Lecturer in Psychology with Kamayani Teacher’s Training College.

Lecturing, Administration of DSE (MR) course, planning & conducting different short term and long term courses, Viz. Bridge course, C.R.E courses.

Mrs. Anuradha Vivekanand Godse

Child counselling and parenting course from Baya Karve women's study centre, Pune.

Multiple Intelligence and Counseling course from SILC, Pune

Overview of Learning Disorders course from Dr. Anjali Morris Education and Health Foundation, Pune

Play Way method co-ordinator course from Garware Bal Bhavan, Pune.

Working with the Chiranjeev Clinic for the last five years as an Academic Counsellor.

Uses Play Way method, Brain Gym and Yoga with Pranayama and Meditation for better attention and concentration.

Madhura Kulkarni

Masters degree in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology

She is working at Chiranjeev Clinic since the past 3 years as a Speech language pathologist


What we offer

 Pediatric Services
  • Personalized rational treatment for diseases of children
  • Complete Immunization / Vaccination from newborn to adolescents
  • Well baby clinic with special emphasis on tracking of developmental milestones (Developmental Screening Tests)
  • Growth monitoring and counseling using standardized growth charts for weight, height, head circumference, Body Mass Index and family growth patterns.
  • Ear piercing with aseptic technique using state of the art “ear piercing gun”
 Pediatric Diet Counseling
  • Diet counseling with special focus on family based dietary interventions
  • Diet counseling for breast feeding issues, timely weaning, picky eating, children of working mothers, school tiffin issues, junk food habits
  • Diet for weight gain in children
  • Counseling for lifestyle diseases like Childhood Obesity
  • Special diet for developmental disorders like ADHD, Autism
Child Development Centre
  • Screening, Diagnosis, Assessment and Management of Developmental Disorders like ADHD, Autism, Learning Difficulties and many more.
  • Early Intervention program for premature and NICU graduate babies.
  • Developmental Quotient, Intelligence Quotient and many more standardized Neuro-Psychometric tests.
  • Parent guidance for Smart Parenting, Brain development activities, Toys.
  • Speech Therapy, Special Education, Physiotherapy.
  • ABA for children with Autism, ADHD.
  • Behavioral Therapy.

Academic Counseling
  • Guidance for academic issues.
  • Training of students for ‘study techniques’ and ‘stress management’.
  • Concentration techniques including Yoga and Meditation.
  • Multiple Intelligences – Assessment and Guidance.
  • Aptitude testing and counseling for students of age 14 to 17 years by trained professionals.
  • Sensory Integration Therapy.
  • Handwriting Analysis and Therapy.
  • Multisensory stimulation.
  • Yoga for children with special needs.
 Adolescent counseling
  • Counseling for behavioral issues in children.
  • Menarche counseling for adolescent girls.
  • Counseling for adolescent boys.
  • Adolescent Vaccination.
  • Behavioral issues – Assessment and Therapies.

Vaccination OPD
  • We practice Strict COVID19 Safety Guidelines
  • Prior appointment is a MUST for Vaccination OPD
  • Only 1 child with 2 parents are allowed at a time in the clinic
  • The child & the parents have to be healthy (without COVID19 symptoms)
  • Use of MASK, Social distancing is MUST
  • No senior citizens are allowed for their safety due to COVID19 pandemic
 Other services
  • Smart Parenting workshops.
  • School lectures and workshops for parents.
  • Teacher training workshops.
  • Study Smart – workshops for 9th and 10th standard students.
  • Know Yourself – school based workshops for teenage students.


What we have created

Chiranjeev Online Instructions English
Chiranjeev Online assessments Instructions Hindi
Chiranjeev Online Instructions Marathi
Dietary Tips for weight gain in Children
Multiple Intelligences Workshop (English)
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Marathi)
Tips to manage Diarrhea in children
Developmental Milestones (Marathi)
Developmental Milestones TDSC (English)
A journey - Dr. Godbole's Chiranjeev Center for Child Diet, Development, & Disease
Bed-wetting in Children (Marathi)
Tips to manage Fever in children (Marathi) (English subtitles)
Multiple Intelligence - Nature Smart (Marathi)
Nutrition: a tool to manage Hyperactivity in Children! (English)
School Education after Corona Lock-down & Parenting
Multiple Intelligence - Empowering the Child Brain (LCNC N Updates)
Enhancing Potential During Early years (Marathi)
Health problems in rainy season : Interview (Marathi)
Enhancing Potential During Early years - Food habits (Marathi)
ADHD resolving myths & enigma (English)
Managing Stress of Parenting (English with Hindi)
Brain Story - How children's brain think & act! (English)
Wellness wheel for parents & children (English)
Secure parenting safe schooling (Marathi)
First Aid video (Marathi)
How to Bandage Child's hand - First Aid Advice (Marathi)
Cleaning the Wound & Bandage - First Aid Advice (Marathi)
Diet Plan for Constipated Child (Marathi)
Obesity in Children (Marathi)
How to make a hand support - First Aid Advice (Marathi)
How to Treat a Burn - First Aid Advice (Marathi)
First Aid for Convulsions in Children (Marathi)
Febrile Convulsions - First Aid Advice (Marathi)
Dr Suneel Godbole Interview on IAP Pune Platform [Marathi]
Behavior of Children with Autism - Part A Poor communication Dr Godbole
Behavior of Children with Autism - Part B Repetitive Restrictive Behaviors Dr Godbole
Behavior of Children with Autism - Part D Meltdown Dr Godbole
Behavior of Children with Autism - Part C Tantrums Dr Godbole
Sensory Integration Issues Part A Dr Godbole
Sensory Integration Issues Approach Part B Dr Godbole
Sensory Integration Issues - Techniques to manage Part C Dr Godbole
Diet in Autism Part 1 Picky Eater Dr. Godbole
Diet in Autism Part 2 Problem Eater - Dr. Godbole
Diet in Autism Part 3 Food Chaining Dr. Godbole
Diet in Autism Part 4 Sensory issues Dr. Godbole
Potty Training
Diet issues in Autism Part 5 Constipation Dr. Suneel Godbole
Diet issues in Autism Part 6 GFCF diet Dr. Suneel Godbole
Diet Issues in Autism Part 7 Sugar Restrictions Dr. Suneel Godbole
Diet issues in Autism Part 8 Artificial Preservatives Dr Suneel Godbole
Diet issues in Autism Part 9 Omega 3 Fatty Acids Dr. Suneel Godbole
Diet issues in Autism Part10 Supplements Dr. Suneel Godbole
Diet issues in Autism Part 11 Probiotics & Prebiotics Dr. Suneel Godbole
Parental Burnout April22 Autism Awareness Dr. Suneel Godbole
Sleep Issues in children 1 Basics of sleep Dr. Suneel Godbole
Sleep Issues in children 2 Dr. Suneel Godbole
Sleep Issues in children 3 Dr. Suneel Godbole
Sleep Issues in children 4 Dr. Suneel Godbole
Sleep Issues in children 4 Dr. Suneel Godbole
How to Recognize Autism in Children [Marathi]
Diagnosis & Management of Autism - DrAshwini Godbole (Marathi)
Autism Introduction Dr Suneel Godbole
A step by step approach to diagnosis & management of Autism Dr Ashwini Godbole
Childhood Anxiety Marathi Interview MAHAIAP
How to increase concentration and memory in children Dr Suneel Godbole [Marathi]
Measles Facts and Prevention
How Pencil Grip develops?
Tips for Good Handwriting
Handwriting Tips for Left-handed child
Hand model of human brain
Tips foe peaceful Sleep Dr Sanket Kale
Generations of Parenting
How to make Dry powder syp Dr Sanket Kale
How to help your kids beat exam stress
Smile Please
Picnic: Fun and Learn
3.3.2 Homeschooling Quick Tips Dr Suneel Godbole
Time management for smart parent
Helicopter parenting
सांगीतिक बुद्धिमत्ता
Autism Diagnosis Hindi Dr Suneel Godbole
Autism Management Hindi Dr Suneel Godbole
Parental Burnout Dr Suneel Godbole [hindi]
Spatial Intelligence Dr Ashwini Godbole [Marathi]
My child throws food Quick Tips Dr Ashwini Godbole
My child rolls on floor Quick Tips Dr Suneel Godbole
My child refuses to try new food Quick Tips Dr Ashwini Godbole
My child talks to self Quick Tips Dr Suneel Godbole
My Child Flaps Hands Quick Tips Dr Suneel Godbole
My child looks from corner of the eyes Quick Tips Dr Suneel Godbole
My child does not allow therapy at home Quick Tips Moholkar PTSI
Investigations in Autism
Medicines in Autism
Bedwetting in children 1
Bedwetting in children 2
Junk Addiction 1
Milestone 1st Month
Milestone 2nd Month
Milestone 3rd Month
Milestone 4th Month
Milestone 5th Month
Milestone 6th Month
Milestone 7th Month
Milestone 8th Month
Milestone 9th Month
Milestone 10th Month
Milestone 11th Month
Milestone 12th Month
Causes of Autism
How Autism is Diagnosed?
Diet for Children with Loose Motions
Diet for Children with Constipation
Diet Planning for Weight-gain
Diet Planning for Childhood Jaundice
Diet Planning for Childhood Obesity
Diet in Respiratory diseases, childhood asthma
Diet Planning for Stamina
Diet Planning for increasing immunity in children
Sensory Integration Ideas
Balpan Fulawitanna - Early Child Development (Book Main Page)
Chiranjeev - (Parenting Book Main Page)
Smart Child - (Parenting Book Main Page)
Chiranjeev – A New Beginning (Parenting Book Main Page)
Early Year Development – Newborn to Toddler (Book Main Page)
Child Diet and Nutrition (Marathi Parenting Book Main Page)
Getting Ready for School (Parenting Book Main Page)
Magic Numbers
Hexavalent Vaccine
Rotaviral vaccine
Influenza (flu) vaccine
Pneumococcal Vaccine
Typhoid vaccine
Hepatitis A vaccine
Chickenpox (varicella) vaccine
MMR vaccine
Care Before vaccination
Care After Vaccination
Chiranjeev Immunization Card
First Day First Show
Babies Need
When to call your Pediatrician
Logic Smart Child
Picture Smart Child
Newborn Jaundice
Thumb Sucking
Fever Treatment - Facts and Tips
Causes and Remedies for Diarrhea and Vomiting
Why Do Babies Cry?
Parenting a Premature Baby
Bathing your Baby
Dressing Your Baby
Caring for your Sick Child
Cord – Eye – Ear - Skin care
Baby’s day out!
Breastfeed Your Newborn
Causes and Cure for Cough – Cold – Breathlessness
Health Tips for New Mom
Temper Tantrums
Handling Sibling Rivalry
Stammering, Stuttering, Delayed Speech
Pre-Math Skills!
Pre-Reading Skills!
Pre-writing Skills!
Behavioral Problems in Toddlers
Multiple Intelligence in Children
Gifted Child! A Challenge
Psychosomatic Disorders in Children -The Emotional Link to Physical Problems
Sensory Processing Disorders in Children
Pre-School Education: ABCD or Skill-Based
Memory Skills
20th National Conference of Growth Development and Behavioral Pediatrics
Concentration (Newspaper Article)
Self Smart Child - Intrapersonal Intelligence
People Smart Child - Interpersonal Intelligence
Parents as Therapist - for their Self Absorbed Child
BCG Vaccine
Hexavalent Vaccine
MMR Vaccine
Flu Vaccine
Pneumococcal vaccine
Hepatitis A vaccine
Varicella (Chickenpox) Vaccine
Chiranjeev Immunization Card
Japanese Encephalitis (JE) vaccine
DPT (triple) vaccine
Tetravalent vaccine
Anti-Rabies Vaccine
01 पालकत्वाच्या पिढया
0२ बदलते पालकत्व
03 ऑनलाइन बिनलाइन
04 बात -'चॅट'
05 वर्क फ्रॉम होम... आहे मनोहर, तरीही!
06 हेलिकॉप्टर पालकत्व
07 वीकएंडचा फंडा
08 परीक्षेची अवास्तव भिती - भाग १
09 परीक्षेची भिती कमी करण्याची तंत्रे
12 सहल हवी अर्थपूर्ण
10 मुले लिहीतच नाहीत?
11 स्माइल प्लीज!
13 स्वमग्नता - पालकत्वाच्या कक्षा रुंदावू!
14 खोटे बोलण्यामागचे ‘खरे’ पैलू
15 बुद्धिमत्ता : कृत्रिम का नैसर्गिक?
16 फिअर ऑफ मिसिंग आऊट (FOMO)
17 कल्पनाविश्वातील मुशाफिरी
18 छंद स्वयंपाकाचा
19 लवचिकता
20 जिद्द आणि चिकाटी
21 विकासशील मानसिकता (ग्रोथ माइंडसेट)
22 शाळेचा पहिला दिवस
23 नवा गडी नवे राज्य (शाळेची सुरुवात)
24 जगण्यासाठीचा ‘बीटीएस’ सूर
25 वेळेचं गणित
26 थोडी गती कमी करु!
27 फ्री-टाईम
28 मुलांना विचार करायला शिकवू!
29 शाळा भविष्यातली
30 किडल्टिंग
31 अपेक्षांचे ओझे
32 झोपेचे गौडबंगाल !
33 बालस्वातंत्र्याचा अर्थ!
34 आत्मविश्वास आणि अहंकार
35 भावंडांतील भांडण
36 मूल अभ्यासच करत नाही?
37 आनंददायी अभ्यास
38 गणपती बाप्पा आणि बहुआयामी बुद्धिमत्ता
39 आई, जरा ऐक ना!
40 मुलांची ‘इकिगाई’
41 अस्थिर, चंचल मूल
42 ‘आई’ची नऊ रूपं
43 शैली पालक-बालक संबंधाची
44 ब्रँडेड बालपण
45 पर्यावरणपूरक दिवाळी!
46 नवे १६ संस्कार
47 निरीक्षणशक्ती
48 सामना अपयशाचा!
49 यश साजरं करताना...
50 ओळख आदराची
51 सौंदर्यदृष्टी
52 पालकत्वाचं नवं वर्ष
53 मुलांची झोप आणि सकाळची शाळा

What our parents say

Contact Us

Chiranjeev Centre for Child Diet & Development

Sadashiv Peth Branch: Chiranjeev CDC & Clinic

  1114, Girijashankar apartments, near Sujata Mastani Chawk, Girija Shankar Apartments, Vasantrao Limaye Rd, Sadashiv Peth, Pune, Maharashtra – 411030

  We work in the heart of the city. Please start earlier (20 min) than planned for parking management.

  This centre has both the facilities –

  • Child Diet & Development Centre (Dr. Suneel & Dr. Ashwini Godbole)   +91 9637641404

  • Pediatric clinic for disease management & vaccination (Dr. Sanket Kale)   +91 9738911911


Karvenagar Branch: Chiranjeev Child Diet & Development Centre

102, first floor, Sushilanagari phase 2, opposite Shubharambh lawns, 100 ft DP road, off mhatre bridge, Karvenagar, Pune 411052.   + 91 9637641404

We work in residential society. Please maintain silence and cleanliness. Avoid use of lift. Please start earlier (20 min) than planned for parking management.


Online Consultation   +91 9637641404


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