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Before taking the test ...
This is a self-reporting scale to know the readiness of your child for school. There are 20 questions. For each question, there are 2 options - Yes or No. Please select the option that best describes the skill acquisition of your child. (Example: For the question - Is your child ready to go to school? - If your answer is 'Yes', you will select accordingly.) Once you submit the test, you will immediately receive the report which you can download / print depending upon your computer settings. For detailed discussion, especially if your scores are low, please contact us on 9637641404 and take the appointment. ---------------------------- यह बच्चे की स्कूल तैयारी जानने के लिए एक स्व-मूल्यांकन चाचणी है। इसमें 20 प्रश्न हैं। प्रत्येक प्रश्न के लिए 2 विकल्प हैं - हां या नहीं। कृपया उस विकल्प का चयन करें जो आपके बच्चे के कौशल अधिग्रहण का सबसे अच्छा वर्णन करता है। (उदाहरण: प्रश्न के लिए - क्या आपका बच्चा स्कूल जाने के लिए तैयार है? - यदि आपका उत्तर 'हां' है, तो आप उसी के अनुसार चयन करेंगे।) एक बार जब आप परीक्षण जमा कर देते हैं, तो आपको तुरंत रिपोर्ट प्राप्त हो जाएगी जिसे आप अपनी कंप्यूटर सेटिंग्स के आधार पर डाउनलोड या प्रिंट कर सकते हैं। विस्तृत चर्चा के लिए, खासकर यदि आपके अंक कम है, तो कृपया हमे 9637641404 पर संपर्क करें और अपॉइंटमेंट लें।
Before taking the test ...
Thanks for participating in this online screening of development of your child. Though a screening cannot replace direct observation of a child by trained professional; it will be useful to know your child better. It will also help to pick up developmental deviation if any and intervene at an early age. Please read each question carefully and answer all the questions by selecting the answer that best describes your child for that question. We will get back to you with report and suggestions as early as possible. This screening will be conducted on a secure online format to protect the privacy of you and your child. Clicking on the 'Take Test' implies your consent for this online screening.